Background design
family pluym
Educative publisher Malmberg developed an online homework platform for elementary school called ‘Familie Pluym’ in 2012 to 2015. We created animation and backgrounds for this show for approximatly 1,5 years.
I created many backgrounds for this show based upon the designs made by Leo de Wijs.
Client: Malmberg
Design: Leo de Wijs
Background artist: Harmen van der Horst
Animatie: Lukas Krepel, Joost Lieuwma, Daan Velsink & Patrick Schoenmaker
Coördinati: Gavin Esajas
The animation
Maffe dieren show

Animal hospital
A hospital with much love for the animals.
(Credits: Leo de Wijs)

Hospital final art
This is the hospital were Lisa works.

S.O.K (S.O.C.K.) school
The school of the very bright children from Family Pluym in shape of a sock.
(Credits: Leo de Wijs)

School final art
An expeptional school with a lot of interesting things.

Classroom concept
The very interesting classroom.
(Credits: Leo de Wijs)

Screenshot final art classroom
Screenshot were Lisa and Daan sit in the classroom.